Inter Miami» Messi denied reports of his participation in the tournament with Al-Nasr Ronaldo

Inter Miami - Messi denied reports of his participation in the tournament with Al-Nasr Ronaldo

Inter Miami has officially denied reports of its participation in a tournament alongside Saudi club Al-Nassr. The club issued a statement clarifying that a recent announcement regarding its participation in the Riyadh Season Cup was inaccurate. The statement included allegations attributed to team owner Jorge Mas; however, Mas has not made any public or private comments regarding a pre-season tour.

Since its inception, Inter Miami has aimed to establish itself as a global brand in the world of football. In line with this vision, the club is currently engaged in discussions to finalize its pre-season schedule for the 2024 season. Inter Miami looks forward to showcasing its players on its inaugural international tour, details of which will be announced in the coming weeks.

L’enthousiasme autour de cette tournée potentielle reflète l’ambition du club d’étendre sa portée et sa base de fans au-delà des États-Unis. En participant à des matchs internationaux, l’Inter Miami espère non seulement acquérir une expérience précieuse pour ses joueurs, mais aussi se connecter avec les fans du monde entier. Le club reconnaît que la construction d’une forte présence internationale est cruciale pour son succès et son identité à long terme.

L’engagement de l’Inter Miami à devenir un acteur de premier plan dans le paysage mondial du football est évident dans sa planification stratégique et ses efforts marketing. La franchise recherche activement des opportunités de rivaliser avec des équipes de premier plan dans le monde entier, ce qui non seulement renforcerait la nature compétitive de l’équipe, mais augmenterait également sa visibilité sur la scène internationale.

The denial of the Riyadh Season Cup reports has not deterred the club’s enthusiasm for its future plans. On the contrary, it underscores the importance of accurate communication as it charts its course in the world of football. Inter Miami remains focused on its goals and is determined to make a significant impact on and off the pitch.

Inter Miami